Time is still flying by, Claire turned 16 months on June 25th. She continues to amaze us and make us laugh everyday!
Some new things this month, she said her own name!! And she likes to use it all the time now. If I have my water bottle and her cup she points to mine and says "mommy's" and to her's and says, "Claire's." She does that with her shoes, dress, etc.
She also has started to take your hand and lead you to where she wants to go.
And she is a climber!! The other day I came into the kitchen and she is sitting on the bar chair looking through my wallet which was on the counter. I have no idea how she got up there on her own and thank goodness didn't get hurt in the process! Can't take our eyes off her now.
Food wise, she is trying more and more! And she is finally drinking milk, yay! And even asking for it instead of water. She really likes milk the most after she wakes up from her nap. Favorite foods now are: cereal with milk, mango, pineapple, watermelon, green beans, peanut butter sandwiches, and pizza!! She also is getting a lot better feeding herself with the spoon or fork.
Some cute (to me) stories :)
We go to a weekly music class where we sing songs, get wooden sticks to hit together to make noise, play with balls, listen to stories and shake shakers. The other day I told her we were going to music class that day and she says "sticks," "balls." She really is connecting the dots with things. She remembered what we do in music class and was so excited all day until music class. She is also very brave in class. The children go up to the front of class with the teacher to get whatever "instrument" it is time for. She goes right up, gets her instrument and comes back smiling and laughing to me showing me what she got! It is so cute! After class, the teacher gives out stickers and Claire goes right up, gets her stickers and both hands and comes back to me saying "stickers, stickers!"
Ready to take Molly for her walk, Claire loves holding the leash! |
Some new favorites - bubbles and side walk chalk |
The bow will now stay in her hair!! Until she takes it out 2 seconds later... |
Well, she can use a spoon when she wants to :) |
This day she decided to play with ALL of her toys! |
Little bit of mommy's birthday cake frosting saved for later |
This is where I found her after she climbed up on her own... |
Feeding ducks at University of Richmond... |
with some of her best buds!! |
Swinging with Papa, Aunt Jiffy and Aunt Cindy at Blue Bird Gap Farm |
Taking a break from all of the animals at the farm |
LOVES the pool!! Keeps saying, Papa pool!! |
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Spray park fun! |