It's been another great month!! Loving every day with this munchkin :)
Some cute stories:
Will say "bless you" whenever someone sneezes.
She found a pair of David's earphones and put them into her ears and said, "Claire go run." Haha, that's what she sees us do before we go run.
I asked her if she had a poopy diaper and she said, "no, just gas!"
She can count from one to ten!!
And she can sing pieces of the ABC song.
We had a big month celebrating Daddy's, Papa's and Pepe's birthday. And she loved all of the parties and saying, "Happy Birthday to you!"
Whenever she falls down or bumps into something she says, "Claire ok!" Or if one of us does the same thing she says "Mommy/Daddy ok?" Then she'll come and check on us and pat us. It's really sweet.
I've caught her a bunch of times just sitting there flipping through her books and looking at all of the pictures page by page. She loves, loves books. We get new books each week after storytime and she loves picking out new ones.
She is sure to tell you what she likes and doesn't like..."Claire don't like" and "Claire like" which is usually said anytime we are in a store and she's sees something fun!
She loves to just play outside. Collecting rocks, sticks, acorns, etc.
Happy Birthday Daddy! |
Trip to the pumpkin patch at Ashland Berry Farm and a tractor ride! She was so excited! |
Mommy and Claire |
Got em! |
Holding on to her pumpkin on the ride back. |
Enjoying the yummy doughnuts after pumpkin picking |
Look at all those teeth! |
Another one! Happy Birthday Papa! |
Putting together her baby's nursery. She loves it!! |
And one more! Happy Birthday Pepe! |
Ice cream!! |
Halloween party at her best bud, Alex's house! |
Apple picking at Carter's Mounting in Charlottesville. |
Yummy! Right off of the tree |
Great view!! |
Our little worm :) |