Anna Kate turned one on June 27th!! The year really did go by so fast. Anna Kate is such a sweet, happy, loving, adventurous, funny, and determined little girl!
She always seems to have a smile on her face! She loves playing with her sister so much. They now really play with each other and it's so fun to watch. Some of their favorite games to play are chasing the cars on the floor, playing in the tent and tunnel, throwing the ball to each other.
Anna Kate also is happy just playing by herself. She loves to play in the toy kitchen with all of the food, with all of the baby dolls and their bottles, and pushing the ride-along car and riding on it too. She also loves to look through books!
And she's walking!! She started about 2 weeks before her birthday and has really taken off! She can walk all over and will probably be running soon! She seems very sure on her feet and hardly crawls at all anymore. She stands right up and walks wherever she wants to go.
She says a few words too..."booook," "baaal," (balloon), "da da," "ma ma," "up."
Even though she doesn't say them, she knows what a lot of words are. She knows who Sissy, Mommy, Daddy, Grammie, Papa, Mema, Pepe and Molly are! If you ask her to hug the doll, she will. She really understands so much. "Go give the ball to Daddy." "Put the book in the basket."
She will lean in and cuddle with you if you ask her for a hug. And if you ask her for a kiss she will lean her head into you.
She also shakes her head for no! She likes to shake her head :)
She still is working on the food front. Her favorites now are crackers, cheerios, yogurt bites, veggie straws, rice cakes...basically anything dry and hard. Hoping she expands this soon!
She is just so fun and happy and we love her so much! Happy Birthday our Anna Kate!!
Birthday cupcake on her birthday! She loved the candle! |
You want me to eat what? |
Claire was showing her how to eat it :) |
Present time!! |
Mommy and the birthday girl :) |
Playing with her new piano |
Loved her birthday balloons! |
12 months old! |
Party at Mema and Pepe's house!! |
Happy birthday girl! |
Sister hugs |
Walking around!! |
Time for cake again! |
Hmm...looks pretty good! |
And of course, Claire knew what to do! |
She loves books! |
Reading her books in her new chair! |
Happy Birthday to our sweet Anna Kate! |