Happy 3rd Birthday to our sweet, sweet Claire!
At 3, Claire, you are so happy and full of life! You are a true blessing and joy! A great daughter and big sister! You are a kind, loving, gentle, funny, happy little girl!
You love, love to play with dolls. You are such a good "mommy" and take such good care of them along with your stuffed animals. You play independently like a champ. And we love hearing you talk to your "friends." You are always doing something while playing...busy, busy, busy. Taking your friends to the grocery store, or park, or storytime, or school. or lunch, etc. You can play happily with anything. Your imagination is just so vivid and fun now. It's hard to tear you away from your toys because you are always having fun doing something with them.
You are such a great big sister! Anna Kate could spend all day watching you, she loves you so much! Her face lights up whenever she sees you. I still remember the other day when Anna Kate was upset about something while you two were in the playroom and as I come in to see why she's upset, you are already down next to her patting her back asking her what is wrong. She stopped fussing and started smiling at you right away! You also love going into her room to get Anna Kate up in the morning or from naps. Always running up to her crib to peek inside and tell her hi! Anna Kate is lucky to have you for a big sister!
You still love books! You love the I Spy/Look and Find books and will sit there for a long time patiently looking to find all of the objects. I find you sitting there with books in your lap going through them page by page.
You have an amazing memory! You remind me of some things when I forget! You can tell us in detail what you did that day as well as details of events that happened long ago. And if we tell you something, like you can have that cookie after dinner, etc...she definitely does not let us forget that :)
And you are like a sponge absorbing everything right now. You are such a thinker and we can see those wheels turning. You really think things through and ask such pertinent and applicable questions. You also have picked up certain phrases, habits, etc from Mom and Dad. I love to say "perfect" and you say that all the time just like I do.
You have become slightly more adventurous with food and will now at least try more things. For dinner each night, you love to say grace. And you insist on waiting until everyone is seated before you start.
You had a cupcake party for your 3rd birthday!! It was a day filled with fun, friends and family! You got to open a present early from mommy and daddy...a bounce house to play with your friends at the party. You all decorated aprons, ate pizza and decorated cupcakes! After eating a whole bunch of skittles and swedish fish while decorating....you at about 2 bites of your pink cupcake :)
On your actual birthday you woke up to your door decorated, presents and your favorite waffles for breakfast. You spent all day playing with your new toys! You topped your own pizza for dinner...cheese and sauce and had a pink birthday cake!
Cupcake for her cupcake birthday party! |
Decorating your apron with markers and cupcake stickers |
Time to decorate cupcakes |
Fun in the bounce house with friends! |
Surprise...Happy Birthday :) |
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Birthday Girl!! |
Making pizzas! |
Happy Birthday sweet Claire! |