Monday, September 19, 2011

Trip to Charlottesville!

Last weekend we went to Charlottesville for the wedding of a Darden friend! We loved being back in Cville and showing Claire UVA. We're not biased or anything but we think it's a great fit for her later on :)

It was Claire's first night spent in a hotel and she did great! She's so "mobile" as it is and as long as we have her pack n play, she's good to go. Thank you Grandma and Papa for watching her so we could go to the wedding :)

Yep, this was all for one night!

Night out :)

Beautiful wedding at a Virginia vineyard

Good times with good friends!

Touring UVA with Claire

She sat in a highchair all by herself...with a little help from the Mincer's bag :)

Yum, Little John's!

Back in Richmond we went to the park in the neighborhood and Claire went on the swings for the first time and loved it!

Higher Daddy!


This is pretty fun!                  

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


We spent the week at the beach last week and had a great time!! Luckily, Hurricane Irene didn't do any major damage to Topsail Island and we were able to get in the cottage one day after Irene came through. Topsail is a narrow island where we could see the ocean from one side of the cottage and the sound on the other. The beach was beautiful and the water temperature was just right!
One day we went to Wilmington, NC and walked around the waterfront and had a great lunch outside on the water.
The whole gang in Wilmington, NC

Wilmington Waterfront

Lunch, yum!

Itsy Bitsy Spider with Gramma

Pool time with Daddy

Trevor came too! And so did Molly and Gracie :)

Dad brought the old Nintendo!

Eating dinner with Papa

Family photo!

Mommy and Claire - love her :)
Claire loved the beach! She played with her sand toys and shells and loved splashing her feet in the water. We went on lots of beach walks with Molly and Gracie!
Beach with Gramma

Testing the water

Hanging out with Aunt Kristen outfit is on backwards...........

Great views up here  

Sitting up all by herself!

Monday, September 5, 2011

6 Months, First Foods and Hurricane Irene!

Claire turned 6 months on August 25th! I can't believe she is already 6 months, time is going by way too fast! She started eating solid foods this month. So far she has had banana, avocado, sweet potatoes, peas, pears and squash. She has really loved them all! She loves to reach for your cup now and loves to drink water out of it. She seems to be skipping bottles and sippy cups and going straight for the real thing! She is really close to crawling. She gets up on all fours and scoots. Her favorite toy plays music and lights up. She already is "hamming" it up for the camera too - she can be fussing and if you bring out either your phone to take a picture or the camera and say smile - she stops fussing and puts on a pretty smile :)

Just got back from the doctor for her 6 month appt and here are the stats:
Height - 24.75 inches - 10%
Weight -13 lbs 14oz - 10%
Head - 16.5 inches - 25%
I'm 6 months old!

First taste of food - banana!

Loves drinking out of cups

Petting Molly
 Before heading to the beach for the week, Claire and I stayed in Hampton while David was out of town. Our timing wasn't the best as Hurricane Irene decided to come visit as well! We were evacuated out of my parent's house by a police car driving through the streets on loud speaker. So we all headed up to Barbara and Jack's in Williamsburg. Power went out early on Saturday and I'm so thankful that Mom and Dad were there to help me keep Claire entertained :) Luckily everyone's house survived without any major damage or flooding and we were able to get to the beach only 1 day late!

Eating dinner by candlelight :)

I still see you Mommy!

Playing with the balloon from Harris Teeter - we ventured out that morning before the storm came in

Flying with Papa
Peek a boo I see you!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Claire's Baptism

Claire was baptized on August 14, 2011 at St. Andrew's in Newport News, Va. She was joined by so many family and friends to celebrate her special day!

Getting ready

She reached out to touch the water, she does love baths :)

Family shot

The whole gang

Party at Grandma and Grandpa's

Saying hi to Thomas

With Mommy and Aunt Kristen

Another family shot

With her cousins

That weekend she also got to meet her Aunt Wendy, Uncle Sid and her cousin, Davis. Davis kept her very entertained!

With Aunt Wendy

Hanging out with Daddy after a busy day!

With Uncle Sid

Davis helped out with bath time every night and read Claire stories